Various Voices fundraiser is now open!

2022-12-07 19:30
Do you know what our greatest dream as a choir currently is? To be able perform at the Various Voices European LGBTQ+ Choir Festival in Bologna, Italy in June 2023.

Krakofonia participated in the previous edition of that festival in Munich in 2018 — you can watch one of the performances we gave there here. It was a momentous experience for all of us, and not just in terms of music: getting to meet and watch almost a hundred other queer choirs gave us a tremendous boost and motivation for further action, and made us realise just how powerful the singing voice of the LGBTQ+ minority can be!

It should come as no surprise then that we cannot wait for the next edition of the festival. We are hoping to present our new repertoire in Bologna as well as meet and network with other rainbow choirs. However, this trip is going to be a pretty costly one, which is why we come to you for help. Whether you have seen us perform and know that we give it our all, or if you just want to support your fellow LGBTQ people, please help us live this dream — in return, we pinky-swear to represent our country and our community with pride and come back with new energy, inspiration and ideas for new projects to advance the LGBTQ+ cause in Poland.

There are three ways you can support us:
❤️ make a one-time donation to our fundraiser in the portal
❤️ become a regular supporter through Patronite,
❤️ make a bank transfer to Krakofonia’s bank account:
IBAN: PL33 1140 2004 0000 3102 7878 4510
Krakofonia, ul. Sąsiedzka 31, 30-385 Kraków, Poland
Transfer title: "Darowizna na cele statutowe” (‘Donation to support statutory objectives’)

To show our gratitude, we will shower our supporters with symbolic gifts — you can see what they are in our fundraiser page.

You can also help us by sharing the fundraiser information: sending the link to your friends and/or family or sharing our Facebook and/or Instagram post. Any help will be much appreciated!