Singing apart to keep together

Hello lovelies!

How are you holding up? We hope you’re safe and sound. We know that these are trying times for everyone: for those who are self-isolating at home but even more so for those who are out there risking exposure: the people working in retail so that we can pick up our groceries, pharmacy employees who sell us our medication, delivery workers and drivers, tirelessly bringing food and parcels safely to our homes and, most of all, the doctors, nurses, paramedics, lab technicians and other health care workers, who are at the forefront of this fight – we see your hard work, we see you, and we think you’re absolute heroes and heroines.

The situation is made all the harder because of the lack of face-to-face interactions with friends and loved ones. Our rehearsals have also been suspended until further notice and we are sorely missing the opportunity to breathe and recharge our batteries that those weekly meetings were for us. Even in those circumstances, we resolved to sing on. We know how much a song can lift even the most defeated spirit so with that in mind, we decided to start working on something special– it’s different than usual but the passion and queer power are the same as always.

We invite you to watch our online debut in virtual choir style! We hope that you will have as much fun listening as we do during the recording.

Your Krakofonia