Five days of singing, sun and rainbows – this is our Italian adventure in a nutshell!
This edition of the Various Voices festival took place in Bologna, Italy, for the first time since the festival’s inception. 107 rainbow choirs from 20 countries had the opportunity to present their repertoire, make new friends, represent their homeland and enjoy the music of other queer vocal ensembles from all over Europe and beyond.
Krakofonia sang three concerts: one in DumBO, a post-industrial complex turned into an event and clubbing venue, in a picturesque stairway by the Via de’ Toschi, and on the grand stage of the Arena del Sole theatre. This was all possible thanks to the help from our friends in other choirs and people who supported us via our fundraiser – please accept our most heartfelt thanks!
We came back from Italy feeling totally joyful and thankful, and cannot wait for the next Various Voices edition, which will be held in three years in Brussels, Belgium (more info on the festival page).
Photographs: Karolina Leszczyńska